
Bill Wyman - Je Suis Un Rockstar

Bill has been The Rolling Stones bassist for more than 30 years.
You'll know more from him there.

And, yeah, in 1993 Wyman's 33 year old son, Stephen, became engaged to his former mother-in-law, Patsy, thereby making Bill Wyman his own grandfather-in-law.

Si, si.


And now, ladies and gentlemen, your attention please.
Why je parle english?
Snobism polygloté?

Pas du tout.

Ce blog est aussi la boîte à musique de Jens et Moristache, qui vivent à Londres et ne parlent pas un mot de chez nous.

A force de me demander de traduire mes posts en anglais, j'ai donc fini par sauter le français.

Ceci dit, l'essentiel est dans la musique, isnt'it?



MORI said...

merci steph...love, peace and respect from london town...

Anonymous said...

si si!