
Super_Collider - gravity rearrangin

LCD Soundsystem - Dance Yrself Clean

LCD did no wrong with this album.
James Murphy, we heart & respect you.


Buzy - Adrian

Buzy "adrian"
envoyé par dividu. - Rencontrez plus de personnalités du web.

I was a kid when my parents used to run a video store, back in the 80's.
There was a whole place for music videos, and i was obsessed with it.
One of them was this one, from Buzy, a french 80's singer.
I still like it.



"Primavera" selection

Primavera by TNoo

Getting a little warmer, so i guess we can say spring has come.

To celebrate that, here is a selection to fit your spring mood and slowly start to think about summer.

It can also be used as an incantation to keep the ashfall away.


LCD Soundsystem

Holy fuck!

LCD Soundsystem are back, and that's one of the best freaking things i've heard in a while.

The album is about to be released, on may 17th.

You can listen to it online there before you BUY IT.



Holy Ghost! - Say My Name

Holy Ghost! strikes again with this great new track, and i'm very excited about that.
If you have the chance to, don't miss them at Calvi On The Rocks 2010.

Find them here.


Glass Candy - Feeling Without Touching

Acidulé et sucré, juste assez pour en redemander.
Mon morceau du soir.



"Ich bin google!"

This is FAT.

F.A.T. Lab: Fuck Google Week Wrap Up from Evan Roth on Vimeo.


Sortie le 7 avril !

« Les films d'alertes et catastrophistes ont été tournés. Ils ont eu leur utilité, mais maintenant il faut montrer qu'il existe des solutions, faire entendre les réflexions des philosophes et économistes, qui, tout en expliquant pourquoi notre modèle de société s'est embourbé dans la crise écologique, financière et politique que nous connaissons, inventent et expérimentent des alternatives. »

Solutions locales pour un désorde global
envoyé par pseudine. - Regardez les vidéos des stars du web.